
Prebiotics, probiotics and your health

Keep in mind

One thing to understand about supplements is that there are many, many kinds. For instance, one type of bacteria commonly used is lactobacillus. But there are more than 120 species of lactobacillus, and at least a dozen of them are used as probiotics.

What's more, there are several other types of bacteria, each with dozens of species, making for a dizzying variety of available probiotics. And even when you select a kind of bacteria, the amount in the supplement can vary between brands.

When taking a probiotic, research the condition you wish to address and select the probiotic based on that condition. Also, keep in mind that while a probiotic may show promise in treating a condition, it's likely that the research is still in early stages.

While the supplement may have improved a condition for a few people in a very limited circumstance, it may not work as well in real-world settings. As always, when considering taking a supplement, talk to your doctor first.